October 28, 2014


refuel slide


The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), in partnership with the San Diego Regional Clean Cities Coalition (SDRCCC) and the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District (SDAPCD), received an alternative fuel readiness planning grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC) to build upon the groundwork established by the San Diego Regional Plug-in Electric Vehicle Infrastructure working group (REVI). Over the next two years, this grant will expand upon that effort to address all alternative fuels (AF) and to continue to lay the framework for future AF planning efforts.

As part of the CEC contract, a multi-stakeholder group, like the REVI, must be formed to advise on the development of a regional AF strategic readiness plan. Refuel: San Diego Regional Alternative Fuel Coordinating Council (Refuel) would serve as this group.

Refuel will work to help streamline and address barriers to AF adoption as well as provide best practices and real-time learning and sharing across jurisdictions. Refuel will identify the region’s current AF conditions through the completion of a regional AF survey and the development of an existing conditions report. This report will guide the development of fuel sector-specific resources through the creation of toolkits and will be compiled into a comprehensive regional AF plan.

To delve deeper into each AF subcommittees will meet in between the quarterly Refuel meetings. Refuel and subcommittee meetings are open to the public and held at the Center for Sustainable Energy. Meeting materials and additional documents will be posted here.

Final Toolkits:

Project Contacts

Anna Lowe, SANDAG Associate Regional Energy/Climate Planner

Phone: (619) 595-5603, Email: anna.lowe@sandag.org

Kevin Wood, SDRCCC Coordinator 

Phone: (858) 244-7295, Email: kevin.wood@energycenter.org 

Refuel Meetings and Agenda Materials

January 21, 2016 – Final Meeting

Subcommittee Meetings and Agenda Materials

Refuel Documents


Project Partners


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